A COURT SHOULD NOT DETERMINE A SUBSTANTIVE SUIT IN ITS RULING ON A TRIAL-WITHIN-TRIAL CHARLES v. FRN (2018) LPELR-43922(CA) PRACTICE AREA: CRIMINAL PROCEDURE INTRODUCTION EKANEM, J.C.A. in the Appeal at hand explained the need for a trial-within-trial procedure as follows: “The need for a trial-within-trial arises when at the point of tendering the extra-judicial confession of an accused person, the defence objects to its admissibility on the ground that it was not obtained voluntarily. The trial of the substantive charge is put on hold for the sole purpose of determining the voluntariness of the making of the confessional statement and hence its admissibility or otherwise.” On whether a Court may, at the trial-within-trial stage, delve into the substantive suit, the learned Justice said “The law is that a Court must be cautious in its ruling at an interlocutory stage not to make any pronouncement or observation on the facts which might appear ...